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Currently, our purebred flock are Dorset sheep and our commercial flock contains Dorset with North Country Cheviot and Suffolk crosses. 

We have sourced our genetics carefully for our purebred flock and have excellent producing ewes. These mid sized sheep breed out of season, are excellent mothers, and have very rich milk for their lambs.  

We are now developing an 'F1 flock' which uses some of our Dorset ewes crossed with Rideau rams. This group will also have the ability to lamb on an accelerated lambing system and combines traits from both breeds to provide a solid commercial ewe.  

We are currently enrolled in the Genovis program. This is a program which helps us select the best breeding ewe replacements and the best ram replacements. It tracks growth from birth to the 100 day weight mark. We can select to improve a variety of traits such as growth, loin length and mothering abilities. 

We are also on the Ontario Sheep Farmers Maedi Visna program. Our sheep have been sourced from high health flocks and any new stock are subject to a strict 8 week quarantine and testing program before entering the flock. 

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